Takfiri Ideology Of KSA Threatens The Future Of Kyrgyzstan

KABUL: (MEP) Salafism and Hizb ut-Tahrir, which both run by Saudi Arabia, are the most serious threat to Kyrgyzstan and the whole region of Central Asia.

kyrgyzstan-map (1)KABUL: (MEP) Salafism and Hizb ut-Tahrir, which both run by Saudi Arabia, are the most serious threat to Kyrgyzstan and the whole region of Central Asia.

The Saudi regime has been able to institutionalize Salafism and radical thinking of Wahhabism in Central Asia by deploying Salafi preachers, establishing schools and constructing big mosques with large and heavy costs.

More worrying is that most of Kyrgyz youth are influenced by this damaging trend. Salafist ideas are being promoted among the youth live in the cities and fluent in Russian as well as among Uighurs living in this country.

The followers of these movements do not accept native religious scholars and religions and act upon fatwas of those sheikhs who are popular on internet in all countries.

Charm of Salafist thought and Hizb ut-Tahrir in Russia, Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan is hidden in their mutiny and protest behavior, because it can give answers to those questions, for example, the normal Kyrgyz preachers, do not interfere in political issues, are incapable of answering the questions.

In recent years, Salafists are working secretly. For instance, unlike other native Muslims they do not wear white caps and offer their prayers in Hanafi style. Salafists sessions and lectures are held at the apartments as it is very hard to detect and control them.

Moreover the Salafists and Hizb ut-Tahrir have wide activities among the prisoners of Kyrgyzstan. Today Hizb ut-Tahrir has revised its working techniques and has adopted its strategy as per regional characteristics and emphasizing on the social initiatives they are entering at the same time their members in in government agencies, including the military.

Many Kazakh Salafis have become hard Takfris and participating in terrorist attacks in Kazakhstan but their news is not published in the media. Western countries want to use the development of Takfiri ideas of Saudi Arabia in wrecking the situation of the Central Asian region and engaging Iran and Russia, who have been enjoying relative peace in this area, in a war and strife.

According to Religious Security in Kyrgyzstan written by Emile Nasreddinev



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