Six Brothers Executed by ISIL in Iraq

hqdefaultKABUL: (Middle East Press) At least six people have been fatally executed by Takfiri ISIL militants group in the northern Iraqi province of Kirkuk for attempting to flee an area under the control of the terrorist outfit.

The incident took place after ISIL executed six brothers from two families, who were about to flee from a district in the city, and raised their bodies on electricity poles said local source in the northern Iraqi city of Kirkuk said on Tuesday.

The source added that the Takfiri group executed the Iraqi people by “shooting them dead in front of a gathering of people in the center of the village of al-Hegel.”

According to the source, they were executed for “their attempt to flee from the village of Asudaira in the district of Hawija.”

The United Nations (UN)’s human rights office said on Tuesday that a growing number of people in Iraq have encountered deadly ambushes as they try to escape areas controlled by the Takfiri group.


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