al-Abadi: Defending People And Nation Is A Sacred Defense

MEP: Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi during his speech at the ninth meeting of the Islamic Awakening on Saturday said: “defending people and nation is a Sacred Defense. We have thousands of volunteer requests.”

The Islamic awakening website in Baghdad reported that Haider al-Abadi called terrorist who committed crimes in the name of religion as one of the most important challenges in Iraq. Emphasizing the necessity of fighting terrorism al-Abadi invited neighboring and other Islamic countries to be united in the fight against Takfiri terrorists. He mentioned the importance of Mosul operation and said: “Mosul’s future will be much brighter than the past two years.”

Al-Abadi declared that the unity of Iraqi security forces and the Kurdish Peshmerga made the enemies angry and added:” Unlike some countries which oppressed the minorities, Iraq will embrace people with different kind of ideas.” He stressed the need to return all of the war refugees to their homes.

Iraqi Prime Minister stated: “We asked different countries for help, but we didn’t received proper answer.” “The strange thing is that some countries try to hinder destroying of the Islamic State.” And pointed out: “Turkey threatened us to send troops.” And,” he fights for his own interests and tries to expand its influence in Iraq.” he invited countries to work for the common good.


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