US Responsible For Regional Instability: Pakistan

sartaj-aziz_650x400_71440476424KABUL: (MEP) Adviser to the Prime Minister on Foreign Affairs, Sartaj Aziz, on Monday blamed the United States (US) for “decades of instability” in the region and called on Washington to analyse its role and that of its allies in the region.

“Islamic State (IS), mainly active in Iraq and Syria, is a byproduct of Washington’s long-running agenda in the region.” Said Sartaj Aziz at a Senate meeting in Islamabad.

“The US created ‘holy warriors’ in our tribal areas during the ‘Afghan Jihad’ and then left them as soon as the war was over, a factor which contributed to decades of instability in Pakistan and the region,” asserted Aziz.

Aziz made those statements in the framework of a senatorial session to analyze recent comments by US President Barack Obama, considered offensive by Islamabad.

“Instability will continue for decades in many parts of the world — in the Middle East, in Afghanistan and Pakistan, in parts of central America, Africa and Asia,” Obama said.

Aziz said Washington is repeating the same policies in the region, setting the stage for the emergence of ISIS in the Middle East.

The foreign affairs adviser added, “We have decided that we are not going to indulge in fighting other countries’ wars now, and this policy is being pursued vigorously by the government.”

“Pakistan has also taken a strong stance against terrorism. Operation Zarb-i-Azb in tribal areas and the operation against criminals in Karachi have helped improve the internal security situation of the country,” he said.




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