Two Girl Bombers Kill 30 in Northeast Nigeria

Rescue workers at the site of the blast outside AbujaKABUL: (Middle East Press) At last 30 people have been killed after two teenage female bombers have detonated their explosives near a crowded mosque in the northeastern Nigerian city of Maiduguri. Witnesses said.

Recounting the Monday bloodshed, fishmonger Idi Idrisa said one teenager blew herself up as she approached the mosque crowded with people from the nearby Baga Road fish market, performing afternoon prayers.

The second teen appeared to run away and blew up further away, killing only herself, he said.

It is the fourth suicide bombing this month in Maiduguri, which is the birthplace of the Boko Haram Islamic extremist group.

Civilian defense fighter, Sama Ila Abu, said he counted at least 30 corpses as he helped to collect the dead. Both men said there were many injured being sent to the hospitals.

Reports show there were many injured being sent to the hospitals.


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