Three US commandos killed in Niger ambush

U.S. officials said three U.S. Army special operations commandos were killed on Wednesday and two others were wounded when they came under fire in southwest Niger.

The forces were near the capital Niamey when the incident happened, officials said on condition of anonymity.

The deaths marked the first American casualties in the mission, in which US forces provide training and security assistance to the Nigerien Armed Forces in their efforts against violent extremists.

The officials said the commandos, who were Green Berets, were likely attacked by Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb militants.

The White House said President Donald Trump was notified about the attack Wednesday night as he flew aboard Air Force One from Las Vegas to Washington. Trump was in Las Vegas meeting with victims of Sunday night’s shooting massacre, along with first responders and doctors.

The two wounded ones were reportedly taken to a hospital in Niamey, where they remained in a stable condition.

Five Nigerien soldiers were among the dead, said Namatta Abubacar, an official for the region of Tillaberi in Niger


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