Russia’s St. Petersburg Bombing…Turkey Issued The Order And Al-Nusra Carried It Out

MEP: It wasn’t strange for informed Russian sources to announce that the one who carried out the St. Petersburg terrorist act, in which 11 people died, was in league with the armed terrorists in Syria.

The current step is complicated, however you look at it. Be it on the Syrian battlefield or with regards to regional and international political tug of war, with each party trying to deliver its own messages, in an appropriate manner, to the other side, especially between Russia and Turkey.

Turkey’s messages to Moscow were intended to limit Russian intervention since the beginning of the Syrian crisis. They were meant to limit Putin’s unlimited support for the Syrian army who is fighting Turkey-backed terrorist organizations.

And after Russia decided to actively partake in the fight against terrorist organizations through its aero-spatial forces on Syrian soil, Erdogan again attempted to send a veiled message to Moscow to put an end to its support and to reduce its raids against the terrorists who enjoy Turkey-Qatari-Saudi backing.

Its first message to Moscow was the downing of the Russian fighter over Syrian soil, which left its mark on relations between the two countries which reached an all-time low.

The second message was the assassination of the Russian ambassador to Ankara. However Moscow did not act as it did the first time, instead exercising much restraint since Ankara decided to help in finding a political solution to the Syrian crisis with Moscow and Tehran.

This past period has also seen continued mortar attacks on the Russian embassy in Damascus from Turkey-backed rebels, all in favor of halting Russian attacks on terrorist locations in Syria.

Things as they stand today aren’t as they were at the beginning of Russia’s intervention. The Syrian army has liberated hundreds of square kilometers of land in various geographical locations, in the Damascus countryside, or in Daraa in the South, or in Palmyra in the Homs countryside, the Hamas and Latakia countryside, including the major accomplishment of liberating all of Aleppo from Ankara-backed terrorists. Turkey found nothing to do but to send messages to inside Syrian soil.

Turkey was the one who issued an order to “Al-Nusra” to execute this attack, to stop the Syrian-Russian advances on the ground, and to freeze the political process, as well as any attempt at reconciliation between Syrian parties. Ankara is also hard at work on achieving its dream to gain control of some land inside Syrian soil.

In close, the Russian “Interfax” news agency said that the explosion on Monday in St. Petersburg, west of Russia, was perpetrated by a suicide bombing by “someone linked to” Islamist radicals

The bombing that took place in a subway station in the city killed 11 people and wounded another 46, of whom 6 are in critical condition, according to the Russian ministry of health.


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