Rabbani: Our security forces are involved with more than 20 terrorist groups

Salahuddin Rabbani has said at the UN Security Council meeting that our security forces are involved with more than 20 internationally recognized terrorist groups.

He added, “The problem of terrorism and violent extremism affected by Afghanistan is the product of a long-term policy of a neighboring country to keep Afghanistan afloat.”

Remarks by Rabbani were made after President Mohammad Ashraf Ghani also said at the UN General Assembly meeting “they considered the war in Afghanistan as a civil war for some time. But this war is not inside our soil, it’s beyond our soil”.

The Afghan Foreign Minister considers the armed Taliban ‘defeated’ and said that they have no face-to-face combat capabilities with Afghanistan’s defense forces, thus committing suicide and criminal attacks over the holy places, political figures and humanitarian workers.

Salahuddin Rabbani told members of the UN Security Council that “the new strategy of the United States for the South Asia and Afghan people has made people to be optimistic.”

Meanwhile, President Ghani, speaking at a press conference on Wednesday with the US Secretary of Defence and Secretary General of NATO, expressed hope from the US strategy to Afghanistan, and said “The effective fight against terrorism requires a regional and global consensus, and this risk should be taken seriously.” If the peace process comes to an end with the Taliban, it will find effective counter-terrorism to the international community. ”

“We want to pursue peace in two respects: a peace with Pakistan through a government-led dialogue with the government, especially given that stability in Afghanistan is not at the expense of any other country, and, it can provide the ground for economic development in the region; second peace is peace; peace is among the talks.”

Experts believe that America’s closer proximity to India and the expansion of India’s relationship with Afghanistan and its greater role in Afghanistan’s policy isolate Pakistan, but US officials in India said that the United States closeness with India does not mean isolating Pakistan.


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