Qatar’s Former Justice Minister Reveals The Muslim Brotherhood Has Full Control On Al Jazeera

MEP: The former Justice Minister of Qatar revealed that the Muslim Brotherhood has a full control on Al Jazeera and by using it, affects Qatar’s relations with other countries.

On Thursday “Najeeb al-Nuaimi” said in an interview with the Egyptian newspaper “Al-Watan”, that in Qatar’s government nobody believes in Muslim Brotherhood, but it’s only because of the benefits.

He pointed out that Qatar failed in using the ideology of the Muslim Brotherhood in its policies. He also noted that we made a mistake by playing with them.

Al-Nuaimi said that Qatar’s authorities believe that by using the Muslim Brotherhood they will be able to achieve huge political goals.

He emphasized that the Arabic countries do not accept the idea of Wahhabism. If the Muslim Brotherhood could govern Egypt for five years, the situation would be worse than what’s happening now in Libya.

Qatar’s former minister stressed that good relations between Cairo and Doha is not possible as long as the Muslim Brotherhood has presence in Qatar’s political structure. Because the Muslim Brotherhood is superior to Qatar’s media and puts this country against Egypt and other countries.

He also noted that he doesn’t follow Al Jazeera’s programs, because of their lies about Syria, Egypt and the other issues.


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