People’s distrust of “Qatar” decision-making

KABUL: (MEP) – Most of Afghans, including youths and educated residents of the country are pessimistic and mistrustful of the decisions taken at the Qatar talks.

2-day intra-Afghan talks lasted in Qatar a few days ago, issuing an 8-article statement.

In the same vein, Middle East Press launched a poll for six days, in which 2000 people answered “Yes” and “No” options for the question “Are you optimistic about the decisions made in Qatar intra-Afghan talks?”

According to the poll, 70 percent of the respondents said, “NO” and 30 percent of them were optimistic, saying “YES.”

A number of users and followers of the Middle East Press shared their views on this question too.

Farhad Mohmand has said: “May some Afghan bodies attended the meeting, but we cannot be optimistic on that, because it was previously planned by foreigners, and in the other hand, there were no conclusion of all Afghan`s opinion amid the process. So it may not be good for the people.”

“What does a lot of meetings held in so many cities mean? The more meetings are held the more peace achieving meanings are diminished,” said another poll responder Sayed Shirullah Sadat.

“It depends on US, if US wanted, so Peace is possible. But if not, everything including Jirgas and Meetings are useless.” Commented Sayed Dawood Mobariz.

While no one represented the government in Qatar intra-Afghan talks, Head of Taliban delegate, Abbas Stanekzai clearly stated that the Qatar meeting was just one conference and its decisions would not be practical.


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