Mohammed Bin Salman’s Covert Meeting With Iranian Opposition

KABUL: (MEP) A Saudi prince who lives in London revealed that Saudi Deputy Crown Prince and Defense Minister Mohammed bin Salman had a meeting with some Iranian opposition figures outside the country.

Mohammad Bin SalmanKABUL: (MEP) A Saudi prince who lives in London revealed that Saudi Deputy Crown Prince and Defense Minister Mohammed bin Salman had a meeting with some Iranian opposition figures outside the country.

According to the report, the Saudi prince living in London, who wished anonymity said that Saudi Deputy Crown Prince and Defense Minister Mohammed bin Salman had a covert meeting with Mohammad Zainuddini, Balochistan National Party’s head, and Mahmoud Bashari al Jebha al Arabia Letahrir Al-Ahwaz’ chief.

Mohammad Zainuddini and Mahmoud Bashari pledged allegiance to King Salman and expressed their readiness to conduct operations against the Iranian government centers.

It is said Mohammed bin Salman also allocated specific allowance for these two groups and he committed to support them.


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