Special Hotline Between Commanders Of Afghanistan & Pakistan

KABUL: (MEP) For coordination of anti-terrorist military operations across the border, special telephone hotline between military commanders of Afghanistan and Pakistan was created.

afghan pakistanKABUL: (MEP) For coordination of anti-terrorist military operations across the border, special telephone hotline between military commanders of Afghanistan and Pakistan was created.

According to The Express Tribune, the decision to set up a hotline between the directors general military operations (DGMOs) of the two countries was taken during Pakistan’s Chief of Army Staff (COAS) General Raheel Sharif’s visit to Kabul on Sunday.

This special hotline was formed by the Pakistani army the relationship between the military authorities of the two countries were established Wednesday evening.

During the phone call, Qadam Shah Shahim, the country’s Army Chief with his counterpart General Sharif contacted and spoke about security issues on both sides of the border.


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