Lieberman: Netanyahu Must Apologize and Resign from his Position

2475023875731KABUL: (Middle East Press) Yisrael Beiteinu Chairman and former Israeli foreign minister Avigdor Lieberman strongly attacked Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and called upon him to apologize to the Israeli people.

He also said that due to incompetence and the escalation of security and economic problems Netanyahu should resign.

Yedioth Ahronoth newspapers reported that, Avigdor Lieberman wrote on his Facebook page: “A Jew was murdered in Jerusalem.  Before the holiday and during it, there were clashes and stone-throwing on the Temple Mount.  After the holiday, the Iron Dome spread to Ashdod due to the fear that fighters in Gaza will respond to the re-arrest of Mohammed Allan.” When each of these things happened, it is good for the Israeli people to ask where the security is and where is the money. “You do not have the capacity to deal with the threats of Hamas and Hezbollah, how would you fight with Iran? Do you have the power to deter Iran’s nuclear technology? For the second month in a row, the economic growth in Israel is weaker than in Greece” Lieberman proclaimed. “The Israeli Prime Minister should give an apology to the Israeli people in general and to the people that voted for him in particular regarding the fake promises he dispersed about preserving Israel’s security and taking care of the economy. After giving an apology, he should also resign.”

He added: “President Netanyahu’s action against President Obama is an obvious mistake. There is nothing wrong with disagreement with America but the whole world must not participate in the dispute and issue in the media.

Netanyahu’s policies against U.S. president showed isolated image of Israel in the world. We’ve lost all our political partners. Israeli Prime Minister is unpopular with the people of Europe and the world.”

He referred to Hamas rocket production and the inability of Israel to deal with Hamas military capabilities. He also accused Netanyahu of paying money to Hamas for accepting ceasefire, saying: “The government had to make a truce in the south by paying money. They cannot fight with Hamas so they spent a large amount of money to make him quiet.”



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