Israeli Attorney Opens Inquiry Into Netanyahu ‘Matters’

netanyahu-neMEP: Israel’s attorney general has opened an inquiry into “matters” related to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu after weeks of media speculation and rumours.

“After receiving information on matters relating, among others, to the prime minister,” Avichai  Mandelblit met police and justice officials, after which he decided “to order an examination into the matter,” a justice ministry statement read on Sunday.

“We stress that this is an examination and not a criminal investigation into the prime minister,” it added.

Through his lawyer, Netanyahu – now serving his fourth term as prime minister – has denied any wrongdoing.

The announcement comes after days of media speculation over possible suspicions of misconduct by Netanyahu or by people close to him.

“In recent days, many reports – which are inaccurate, to say the least – have been published in the media regarding information pertaining to an examination and to actions that were allegedly taken as part of it. Naturally, we will not be able to refer to these reports or to elaborate as to the process of the examination at this stage.”

A spokesman for Netanyahu responded. “As happened in all previous cases, when things that turned out to be baseless were attributed to Netanyahu, there will be nothing here either – because there is nothing.”

An inquiry can be a preliminary stage of a criminal investigation.


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