ISIL Executed 24 People in Iraq’s Kirkuk

KABUL: (Middle East Press) The ISIL Takfiri militants group have executed at least 24 people in Kirkus province of northern Iraq, as they continue committing crimes against humanity inside Iraq and Syria.

A local source, who spoke on condition of anonymity, said the deadly murdering took place in front of a large number of onlookers in the Zab district, west of the provincial capital, Kirkuk, on Sunday, Iraq’s al-Sumaria satellite TV network reported.

ISIL extremists had abducted the men earlier and the municipal council of the district was also among the victems.

The development came only three days after ISIL extremists stormed a number of schools in the al-Qayyarah, al-Shura, Badoush and al-Baaj neighborhoods of Mosul and kidnapped nearly 120 children.

The terror group (ISIL) launched an offensive in Iraq in June last year and took control of Mosul, the country’s second-largest city, before sweeping through parts of the country’s heartland.


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