Iran’s Leader: We Shall Fight with World’s Dark Forces

KABUL: (Middle East Press) “During the four sacred months, even the infidels from Mecca were committed to ethics, eschewed the violence and warfare, however there are vicious people nowadays who exceeded the boundaries of savagery far beyond their infidel ancestors, making many Yemeni families to grieve for their loved ones killed in the war,” said His Eminence Ayatollah Ali Khamenei.

The dark ages of Jahiliyyah – the dominant barbaric situation prior to Islam’s advent in Arabia – looms again in the horizon but with higher degrees of destruction and wickedness. Fortunately, the authentic version of Islam is also ready to face the evil forces and the enormous worldwide Islamic forces are also equipped with proper means to defend the goodness.

The reasons of the current insecurity and terrible carnage in today Yemen, added His Eminence, are being generated by those so-called Islamic countries which were deceived, supporting and carrying out U.S. state terrorism in the region.

Iran’s supreme leader highlighted that the world arrogance powers have this malign agenda of triggering proxy wars to secure their interests in the Middle-East region, adding that Iran has common interests with Persian Gulf Arab States and everybody will benefit from a secured Persian Gulf and vice versa.

Ayatollah Khamenei also praised Iran’s anti-terror campaign in the region and referred to heavy losses inflicted on terrorist groups, saying:” we shall slap the terrorists and their backers in the mouth and the terrorists should get ready to receive iron fist.”

Iran’s supreme leader stressed that the Middle-East nations have awakened and for a period of time they have been suppressed and intimidated but the desire for freedom and awareness can’t be stifled and it is incumbent upon us to not underestimate the vast potential of Islamic Ummah.

The beleaguered Yemeni, Bahraini and Palestinian nations are oppressed by despotic regimes and we openly declare that we shall support oppressed people as much as possible. The world must know that we shall face the dark forces of modern Jahiliyyah.


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