Haaretz: The Worsening Situation In Israel

KABUL: (MEP) “What can be said to the leader who only is accustomed to boast, we are only a few kilo meter away from the relentless terrorist attacks, insecurity and death”, Israeli Haaretz reported in response to Netanyahu’s recent speech.

KABUL: (MEP) “What can be said to the leader who only is accustomed to boast, we are only a few kilo meter away from the relentless terrorist attacks, insecurity and death”, Israeli Haaretz reported in response to Netanyahu’s recent speech.

The report also says, “There are prevailing conditions in which we are observing bloody scenes every day. In such a situation it is not strange that he (Netanyahu) criticizes his political rivals and blame them. When situation is good he claims to be his policies behind it and as soon as things go wrong he blames others like the northern branch of the Islamic Movement, Dr Basel Ghattas (Israeli Arab politician) and Haneen Zoab.”

The report adds, “The Knesset opened its winter session and welcomed Prime Minister Netanyahu with a lot of tensions. He did not offer a way to stop knife attacks on Jews because nobody is being held accountable for insecurity in Israel any longer. Netanyahu talked a lot about the security and political aspects. Although it is difficult to understand which of these aspects (security, political) is more important to him but in his speech to the Knesset, he talked about the results of the recent elections which indicated his collapse of his status as ‘Israel’s Mr. Security.’ A desperate speech without any encouraging word and even without a declaration with diplomatic nature that contains the sign of a good wish in it. Not even was promised that the army and Shin Bet security service will act to calm the situation.”


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