French Ex-Intelligence Officer: Qatar And Turkey Continue To Support Armed Groups In Libya

MEP: Alain Rodier, a former French intelligence officer, has revealed that Qatar and Turkey are still backing Wahhabi and Salafi armed terrorist movements in Libya.

The intelligence expert, in an interview with “Liqa’ Khas” on the “Extra News” satellite channel, said that the situation in Libya is disastrous, and Libya can be considered to be non-existent in light of what armed groups backed by the two countries are doing there.

Qatar had planted the most dangerous terrorist leaders, who had already fought in Syria and Afghanistan, in the ranks of the Libyan national army in 2011.

According to a report by Colonel Ahmad al-Mesmari, speaking on behalf of the command of the Libyan Army, the main goal of Qatar and Turkey is to dispose of the commander of the Libyan armed forces, loyal to the eastern government, Field Marshal Khalifa Haftar, and to capture oil ports in the “oil crescent” region; a goal that groups they sponsor have so far failed to do so despite launching attacks on the area.

Rodier pointed out that the armed conflict in Libya, supported by some countries, will cause much damage to the region, and will not result in any resolution of the conflict.

The Eastern government in Tabruk accuses Qatar and Libya of causing sedition in Libya through their support of extremist forces.


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