Former Minister of Azerbaijan Republic Placed under House Arrest

KABUL: (Middle East Press) Eldar Mahmudov who has been stripped of ministry by decree of President Ilham Aliyev, is placed under house arrest. Alyiev dismissed him after his return from Russia. As reported by Musavat news center, Russian Intelligence had revealed confidential documents about Mahmudov secretly assisting Israeli Intelligence. According to this news center Mahmudov had made a deal with the Islamic State, and he had transferred Azerbaijani Wahabbies to Syria through Turkish border and had traded each Wahabbi warrior for 45,000 US dollars.

5901cdd0dd77e0e4391165baf7920114KABUL: (Middle East Press) Eldar Mahmudov who has been stripped of ministry by decree of President Ilham Aliyev, is placed under house arrest. Alyiev dismissed him after his return from Russia. As reported by Musavat news center, Russian Intelligence had revealed confidential documents about Mahmudov secretly assisting Israeli Intelligence. According to this news center Mahmudov had made a deal with the Islamic State, and he had transferred Azerbaijani Wahabbies to Syria through Turkish border and had traded each Wahabbi warrior for 45,000 US dollars.

Moreover Ans Press reported that after Mahmudov’s house arrest, more than 30 boxes of dollars and jewelries have been confiscated from his house.

Released news express that Mahmudov is accused of treason against his country. Following the news, AvigdoLieberman, Israeli Minister of Foreign Affairs, paid a visit to Russia. Experts believe that this sudden visit indicates the great importance of this issue for Israel.


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