Daesh Guerrillas Execute Over 200 Civilians In Mosul

MEP: At least 230 civilians have been brutally killed in Mosul by the Daesh (ISIS/ISIL) terror group as operations in the city gain its achievements, an official said on Wednesday.

“Daesh militants continued to commit atrocities in the province of Nineveh, they executed 190 people in the area of Hammam al-Alil after taking them hostage in different areas of Mosul,” said the chairman of the Iraqi parliamentary human rights committee, Abdel Rakhim Shamri.

Another 42 people were taken from the village of Arij and executed after they refused to cooperate with the terrorists, he added.

This comes as on Tuesday, the UN human rights office said that reports in hand show about scores of mass killings by Daesh around Mosul in the past week.

UN human rights spokesman Rupert Colville told a regular UN briefing in Geneva that the bodies of 70 civilians with bullet wounds had been discovered by Iraqi security forces in Tuloul Naser village on October 20, and 50 police officers being held outside the city had also reportedly been killed.

Meanwhile, Shamri called on Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi to facilitate the airlifting of civilians from Daesh-held areas in Mosul as the terrorists are using them as human shields.

A massive military operation has been kicked off in the city to vanish the terror group about two weeks before in which the Iraqi army, backed by volunteer forces, are engaged.

They have so far gained major advances killing more 600 Daesh terrorists and about 1500 others fled the city.



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