Clinton Says ‘Would Not Support War Declaration against ISIS’

KABUL: (Middle East Press) Democratic presidential head Hillary Clinton said on Tuesday November 10th that she was not prepared to support a formal declaration of war against the Islamic State (IS) or (ISIS) militant group. However, she said the congress needs to improve its continued efforts to fight against the group.

Hillary ClintonKABUL: (Middle East Press) Democratic presidential head Hillary Clinton said on Tuesday November 10th that she was not prepared to support a formal declaration of war against the Islamic State (IS) or (ISIS) militant group. However, she said the congress needs to improve its continued efforts to fight against the group.

According to Reuters, Clinton said that a declaration of war would require an understanding of the resources available and the goals involved. “If you have a declaration of war, you’d better have a budget that backs it up,” Clinton said while campaigning in New Hampshire.

“I do think that we have to do a better job of understanding the threat that is posed by radical Islamic jihadist groups,” added Clinton, who is seeking the Democratic nomination for the November 2016 presidential election.

The Associated Press reported that Clinton’s comments come as some members of Congress have pushed for a war authorisation vote as the US military intervention against IS in Iraq and Syria ramps up.

Clinton noted that if an affiliate of IS was truly responsibly for the downing of the Russian passenger plane over the Sinai Peninsula in Egypt.

Because Islamic State, or ISIS, is so diffuse across the Middle East, she said, a declaration of war might not be the right way to fight such a group, calling ISIS “the first Internet terrorist network.”


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