CEO Abdullah: Negligence In Job Will Be Severely Punished

MEP: Chief Executive Officer Abdullah Abdullah stressed to seriously deal with respect to any negligence and job inaccuracy, especially in the security sector.

Speaking at the meeting of Council of Ministers on Monday, referring to the fall of provinces and most important areas in the hands of armed Taliban, Abdullah said any sort of negligence in job in insecure provinces will be firmly probed.

Abdullah said that neglect is not tolerated in any part of the task and should not be overlooked.

Meanwhile, he pointed out to rewards with punishment that “security officials who have sacrificed, would be hailed and those who are negligent are held accountable.”

He said since the provinces of Kunduz, Uruzgan, Farah and Helmand are insecure, but efforts are underway to change the situations.

On the other hand, the chief executive pointed to the plight of refugees in Kunduz and directed to the relevant institutions to address the problems of the citizens.

This comes as a large number of residents of Kunduz province after the war and refill of the city had migrated to the neighboring provinces of Badakhshan, Takhar and Baghlan that these days are returning to their homes.


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