Baghlan Residents Raise Concerns About Air Pollution

MEP: Residents in northern Baghlan province with concern on increasing pollution and worsening environmental situation in the province, especially in the city of Pul-e Khumri say with the arrival of winter and non-standard fuel, pollute the air more than ever before.

They’ve accused the government officials in order to prevent the destruction of green spaces and trees.

While in winter with snow and rain, dust and fumes arising from the movement of vehicles produced in factories disappears; but the smoke from the fires of brick kilns, heat homes and Ghori cement factory that burns old cars tires, coal and other plastic items produced, are dangerous for the health of the residents in the province, according to them.

Shahnawaz Sharar a resident of Pul-e Khumri told the Middle East Press, the lack of attention by institutions responsible for the conservation of natural resources and preventing its destruction that has caused the city to get infected.

He said gases and smoke produced by the burning plastic materials has sent many to hospitals.

A large number of citizens of Pul-e-Khumri city like this man, expressed concern about pollution and have asked the authorities to take serious step in this regard.

Meanwhile, the Baghlan Environmental Protection department officials also voiced concern about the air pollution and the degradation of natural resources, saying due to the lack of personnel they are unable to do anything for all this destruction.

Azimullah, head of the department says that lack of coordination of other institutions such as the police stop us on contamination of space and environmental degradation.


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