Saudi Foreign Minister: In Case of Tehran’s Readiness My First Trip Would be There

KABUL: (Middle East Press) Saudi Foreign Minister Adel Aljbyr said in his first meeting with the deputies, I am ready to go to Tehran to discuss various issues including Yemen.

Speaking at his first meeting in Saudi Foreign Ministry mentioned the role of Iran in the Middle East and said Saudi Arabia has come to this conclusion that has no alternative except to have direct talks with Iran and dispute settlement and it is not in the interest of Saudi Arabia entering a new conflict with Iran.

According to him the conflict in Iraq, the war in Syria, the government crisis in Lebanon, the problems of Palestinian groups in Gaza, dispute in the government of Afghanistan, Bahrain and Saudi Shiites crisis, the problems of the Taliban in Pakistan and Yemen will only resolve by Iran and Tehran’s interaction and cooperation.

Saudi Foreign Minister also added:  today, America and the West have come to this conclusion that should interact and dialogue with Tehran like China and Russia and recent nuclear conversation showed America and West’s determination to make peace with Iran and we Arabs should not stay away from these affairs and continuing the conflict is not in our interest because Iran does not have any internal problem and there is stability and security in its borders.

However, he said that we can never deal with the Shiites and supporters of the Iranian revolution and cooperate with them but to maintain the current situation in Saudi Arabia and to prevent its collapse we have no other choice and also America and the West recommended us to re-establish relations with Tehran.


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