Million Sign Petition Calling UK For 2nd Referendum On Leaving EU

MEP: thousands of people in Britain calling for a second referendum after their prospect of being outside of the European Union is too much who wanted their country to ‘remain’. They have set up a parliamentary petition calling to hold a second referendum, which crashed due to its popularity.

‘We the undersigned call upon HM Government to implement a rule that if the remain or leave vote is less than 60% based on a turnout less than 75% there should be another referendum,’ the petition, filed this morning, reads.


Despite being set up hours after the result, the petition has already reached its goal of over 100,000 signatures. This means that it must be considered for debate within parliament within a year.

It attracted immediate and vast support – mostly from Remain voters hoping to overturn the vote for Britain to leave the EU.

The government’s Petitions Committee will consider the protest at their next meeting, which falls on Tuesday June 28.

The petition has been signed by more than 525,000 Brits. Traffic to the site was so intense that it crashed temporarily.

The petition is entitled ‘EU Referendum Rules triggering a 2nd EU Referendum’.

Britain voted to leave the European Union by a narrow margin yesterday, with a turnout of 72 per cent.

Leave won the referendum with 51.9 per cent (17,410,742 votes), while Remain finished on 48.1 per cent (16,141,241 votes).

David Cameron, who backed the Remain campaign, announced his resignation outside Downing Street on Friday.


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