Will Erdogan Accept the Citizenship of Israel?

KABUL: (Middle East Press) Erdogan and the AKP’s policies in the past few years caused Israel, which was considered as the number one enemy of the Turkish people by the end of 2013, to give its place to ISIL.

According to surveys by the end of 2013, Israel was number one threat for Turkey and America came second. But in the recent poll which was carried out by Kadir Has University in Istanbul in 2014, ISIL chosen as the first danger, America came second and Israel considered as the third threat for this country.

Many experts believe that statistics show Erdogan’s AKP adopted policies that are in line with Israel’s policies in the region.

Creating religious wars, supporting ISIL terrorist group and follow up Neo-Ottomanism policies in the Middle East and North Africa by Turkish government caused Israel, which was the main enemy in the Muslim world, to give its place to Islamic fundamentalist movements.

Today, not only Turkish people that many Islamic countries afraid of facing the Takfiri movements while they didn’t have no fear to confront Israel and always had a dream to fight against this regime.

Turkey’s ignorant favors to Israel especially Turkish president were so evident and remarkable that was not away in the eyes of the Israeli authorities and the media.

Many Israeli media praised Erdogan’s contradictory behavior in the region, which are all in favor of Israel and called him as a savior and Israel’s most important strategic partner in the establishment of diplomatic relations between Turkey and Israel.

This is important and notable that most of the Israeli media activists have asked the government to remove possible obstacles of naturalization to citizens of Turkey, and to give Erdogan an honorary citizenship to show their appreciation towards him.

Now this question arises whether the President of the government who came to power with anti-Zionist and anti-imperialist slogans in recent years, will accept citizenship of this country in allying with Israel?


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