Unknown Men Vow to Unseat the Saudi Regime

KABUL: (Middle East Press) A video posted online on Friday showed a group of veiled Saudi men vowing to unleash deadly attacks against Saudi security amid growing fears of political instability following the death of late King Abdullah.

“Hereby we declare the establishment of Ah’rar Umm al-Qura brigades and we opt a military struggle to emancipate Arabian Peninsula from Saudi regime’s vicious occupation, Insha’Allah [If God wills],” said the anonymous man with obvious Saudi accent.

We have attempted, added the unnamed man in the video, to start our attacks on the very day of [King] Abdullah’s funeral but we couldn’t succeed but with Allah’s blessing and infinite grace we shall oust this clique of corrupt and opulent princes.

According to intelligence experts, the majority of terrorist groups mushrooming across Saudi kingdom are constituted of al-Qaida-affiliated veterans, namely ISIS and al-Nusra Front, who fought for years in Syria and neighboring Iraq and now it appears that Saudi’s chicken of past follies will come home to roost.


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