Trilateral Dialogue Between Foreign Ministers Of Russia, Syria And Iran

🔺 Russian Sergey Lavrov

🔹We respect the territorial integrity and sovereignty of Syria and we emphasize on rebuilding this country.

‏🔹We emphasized repeatedly that we work on the basis of international laws

‏🔹Cease fire agreement was breached by terrorists.

‏🔹We continue on fighting with terrorism

‏🔹‏Some countries misuse the bad condition of Syrians because of their own profits.

‏🔹Terrorists have closed all crossing roads of East Aleppo

‏🔹Some countries are planning the transfer of ISIL from Iraq’s borders to Syria

‏🔹For eliminating the problems between, America should work with us to identify terrorist targets.

‏🔹We consider groups and movements cooperating with Al-Nusra Front, as terrorists and we will target them.

‏🔹When America is bombing the terrorists in Mosul there’s nothing wrong with it. But why when we do exactly the same in Aleppo, they protest?

‏🔹During the ceasefire it was supposed to identify military targets with cooperation of the US , but they were not loyal to the agreement.

‏🔹‏America cannot separate the armed oppositions from Nusra Front, because these groups are not interested in being separated from  it.


‏🔺 Syrian Walid Muallem

🔹We thank Russia and Iran for their fight with terrorism

‏🔹These meetings indicate the importance of the cooperation between US, Russia and Iran

🔹We studied ways to increase political, economic, and military cooperation, with Iran and Russia

‏🔹We will continue on fighting against terrorists, and we will liberate Aleppo

‏🔹Washington doesn’t want to strive for peace in the crisis of Syria

‏🔹If Washington had implemented the provisions of the ceasefire agreement, now the situation was not like that.

‏🔹Some countries do things that only profit some Wahhabi countries that are destroying the region.

‏🔹All countries in the P5+1 were on their promises but America …

‏🔹Those who say that the rescue operation will begin in two weeks in Raqqa, certainly will not do it because it is contrary to their profits.

‏🔹We do not have any cooperation with the international coalition against the ISIL.


🔺 Iran’s Mohammad Jawad Zarif

🔹Only the Syrian people should determine their own future.

‏🔹We make great efforts to end the Syrian crisis.

‏🔹We support the fight against terrorism.

‏🔹Humanitarian assistance should reach all the besieged and war-torn areas in Syria.

‏🔹Terrorists use civilians as their shields.

‏🔹Terrorism is not only in this region and Syria, but also is a threat to the whole world.

‏🔹No one can make use of terrorists for their own profits. We achieved an overwhelming conclusion and that is there’s no good or bad terrorists.

‏🔹Unfortunately, a group of countries are always looking for war and military solutions in Syria.

‏🔹We have always emphasized the need for an all-out ceasefire, humanitarian assistance and a political solution for Syria.

‏🔹Countries that want piece and fight with Takfiri groups, should have better efforts with more accordance for ending this war. Today’s consultations have this purpose.


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