Thousands Stage Anti-Israeli Rally in Casablanca

palestine-protest-in-CasablancaKABUL: (Middle East Press) Tens of thousands of protesters have held a massive rally in Morocco’s port city of Casablanca to show their anger at Israel’s aggressive policies toward the Palestinians.

The protesters marched down the streets of Morocco’s commercial hub to denounce the policies of the Tel Aviv regime.

The massive rally was organized by a Moroccan Islamic association. Members of political parties also left behind their differences and attended the demonstration to show their support for the Palestinian cause.

The protesters carried placards demanding an end to the ongoing Israeli crimes against the Palestinians, and also called on the international community to boycott Israeli products.

The angry demonstrators also burned the flags of Israel to show their fury.

They also chanted slogans such as “Death to Israel,” and “We will sacrifice our soul and our blood to you, Al-Aqsa.”

A number of participants were clad in attire in the colors of the Palestinian flag to show their support for the Palestinian people.

The participants also vowed to continue their demonstrations in support of the Palestinians.

Tensions in the occupied territories escalated after the Tel Aviv regime in August imposed restrictions on the entry of Palestinian worshipers into the al-Aqsa Mosque in East al-Quds (Jerusalem). The Palestinians are also angry at aggressive Israeli settlers, who frequently storm al-Aqsa Mosque, the third holiest site in Islam.

Nearly 60 Palestinians have been killed and hundreds of others injured since the Israeli regime began a harsh crackdown on Palestinians in early October. At least ten Israelis have died as a result of attacks over the past few weeks.



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