The American Attack On Syria Mends Ivanka’s Broken Heart

MEP: Ever since Trump took over the presidency of the United States of America, and made some controversial statements, the world seemed prepared for a new era and a great shuffling of international and regional political decks.

Everything was soon muddled, with some considering him the “savior” of the world from the hell of terrorism, especially since his electoral statements exposed the Obama administration’s involvement in the support of “ISIS” and its sister organizations, and his promises of building new relations with Russia. Others, on the other hand, saw him as an “easy puppet” in the hands of Zionism, and a fool who could at any time act rashly in favor of a financial deal here or there…

What are the reasons behind Trump’s aggression against Syria? There is no doubt that the aggression wasn’t a spur-of-the-moment affair, but was rather preceded by a series of preparations and episodes, including:

1- Inviting the Deputy Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia, and making a “protection in exchange for Saudi money” deal. Protection also includes taking Syria back to confusion, and improving the morale of terrorist factions.

2- Return Erdogan’s Turkey back to American hands after the recent flirting between Ankara and Moscow. It is possible that Erdogan’s latest statement against Russia, according to Russian daily “Nezavisimaya Gazeta” is a clear indication of a turn in Turkish policy to score gains against Kurds on the one hand and to get back to overthrowing President Assad on the other.

3- Trump’s previous statement calling to let go of plans to overthrow Assad, had angered the Zionist entity, Saudi Arabia, France, Britain, and Turkey. The fact that these countries rejoiced in the attack is a clear statement of its need of such an attack to empower the terrorists.

4- The victories scored by the Syrian army and its allies on all front, starting from the Eastern Ghouta, to Daraa (namely in the Manshiyeh region), al-Qunaytra, and their many overwhelming victories in the Aleppo countryside, which tilted the balance in favor of the Syrian government. This, as such, was a great development for Russia, Iran, Hezbollah and Syria on the one hand, and a worrisome threat against the Zionist entity and its Gulf allies on the other.

5- The “chemical attack” drama in Khan Sheykhoon, despite all evidence provided by Russia and Syria in the Security Council, and a clear UN indecision on this crime perpetrated by the armed terrorists, was an excuse to launch the American aggression that Obama had previously threatened Syria with, but backed out of because of its many dangers.

What are the implications of the American aggression on Syria?

It doesn’t take much analysis and deep thought. The unfathomable joy felt in the Zionist, Saudi, British, French, and Turkish statements after the aggression are more than enough, as they can now go back to the negotiation table with “America’s powerful military arsenal” at their side, the same power it is trying to restore after it lost in Vietnam, Iraq, and Afghanistan, and helped support Israel with against its losing war with Hezbollah, etc…

On the other hand, Russia’s position in suspending its MoU with Washington allows it to strike and repel and American or non-American attack against Syria now. Tehran will also not leave Syrian soil open to Turkish invading attacks, especially since the cards are now being placed on the table. Trump’s anti-JCPOA stance and his calling Iran a state sponsor of terrorism has again severed relations…It is possible that we now stand before an “Iranian-Syrian-Russian revolution” against the new American Shah.

Is Trump drowning the United States in the quagmire of war again, or did he want to console his daughter and advisor “Ivanka” after she cried at the sight of the bodies of the dead children of Khan Sheykhoon, tweeting on the night following the massacre that she was “heartbroken at Heartbroken and outraged by the images coming out of Syria following the atrocious chemical attack,” to which Trump replied promising that he will punish the perpetrators for Ivanka?


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