highwayMEP: Helmand security officials announced Wednesday that all of the kidnapped passengers have been released in Gereshk district of Helmand province.

Brigadier General Aghanoor Kentoz, police chief of Helmand told Middle East News Agency that a total of 43 passengers were kidnapped by armed Taliban have released last night.

He said the travelers were freed by mediation of tribal elders, seniors and operative operations.

The armed Taliban group on Tuesday stopped three vehicles in the district and had taken all of the travelers with them after releasing the drivers and 18 other individuals that included women and children.

Such action, particularly in the northern provinces of the country like Kunduz, Takhar and Sar-e-Pul is precedent as about two weeks ago the armed Taliban had kidnapped more than 200 passengers in Kunduz and Takhar highway and a number of them were killed by the group.


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