Taliban Launched Coordinated Attacks on Urozgan and Badghis Check Posts

KABUL: (Middle East Press) The Taliban militants have reportedly launched coordinated attacks on a number of security check posts in Urozgan and Badghis provinces where gun fight is still constant between the two sides.

According to reports, there are more than hundreds of Taliban fighters who have attacked eight security posts in Khas Urozgan District of Urozgan province this morning.

Abdul Karim, the district governor says that if additional troops do not arrive the District may fall into Taliban’s hands.

He said two soldiers have been martyred five of the Taliban militants were killed during the clashes so far.

However, Dost Mohammad Nayeb the spokesman for the governor of Urozgan province says that troops available in the district are able to fight with militants and they have pushed back the attack.

In the meantime, another attack is ongoing in northwestern Badghis province since yesterday in which four Taliban militants were killed.

According to local security officials, Taliban have attacked border security posts in Murichaq area of Bala Murghab District.




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