Syrian Forces Achieve Major Gains In Eastern Aleppo

MEP: Six rebel-held districts of eastern Aleppo have recaptured by government forces over the weekend, forcing more than 3,000 civilians, half of them children, to flee as they pressed their offensive Sunday to retake Syria’s second city.

According to the Russian Center for Reconciliation, in a major breakthrough in the push to retake the whole city, regime forces on Saturday captured Masaken Hanano, which had been the biggest rebel-held district in eastern Aleppo.

The report added that 10 blocks and more than 3,000 buildings have been cleared of Al-Nusra Front militants to the date. The militants have also been pushed out of al-Qadisiyah, a key Aleppo district.

All civilians that include 3,179 people, 1,519 children – among them 138 newborn babies are being cared for in aid camps where they receive medical treatment, food and sanitation.

Inzarat, Al-Sakan al-Shaabi and Ain al-Tall have all returned to regime hands and government forces have made large forays into Sakhur and nearby Haidariya, according to the source.

And government forces are “in control of most of the northern part” of Aleppo.

“The rebels have lost at least 30 percent of the territory they once controlled in Aleppo.”


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