Syrian Army Prepares For Final Push To Victory

Syria armyKABUL: (MEP) As international community and Syrian government welcome the newly-reached agreement on a temporary truce in Syria, the U.S. administration and its Saudi allies seek to wreak havoc in war-torn Syria and exploit the humanitarian ceasefire to al-Qaeda terrorists’ benefit, though the Syrian army vowed to crush any insurgent group that doesn’t abide by the international deal.

Yesterday, Syrian Arab Army (SAA) units advance deeper into rebel-held Darayya, southern Damascus suburb, inflicting large causalities on al-Nusra Front militants —al-Qaeda offshoot in Syria—, destroying their heavy weaponry and severing their supply routes. Media sources close to Syrian opposition corroborated the reports of hasty withdrawal of radical militants from Darayya-Muadamiya front.

In the meantime, the Syrian Army and Popular Committees gain ground in northern Syria by wresting control of main rebel bastions of Ein al-Ghazal and Maza’la —north-western strategic town of Kensaba, close to key Lattakia-Aleppo highway—. Army soldiers also killed and captured scores of Chinese-Uyghur terrorists and seized several pick-up vehicles equipped with heavy machine guns. Concurrently, the Syrian troops retake strategic heights of Qamoua’a, Kafarsand and al-Koroum Khasat in Latakia’s northern countryside.

Syrian Arab Air Force also conducted several sorties against al-Nusra Front terrorist targets in Homs and Hama, killing 13 foreign rebels. In Eastern city of Deir ez-Zor, the Syrian army explored and later blew up a tunnel in al-Sana’a neighborhood, liquidating 65 ISIS terrorist. Syrian Army engaged with ISIS gunmen in Hama-Aleppo highway and road connecting Khanaser to Ithriya, inflicting more losses on ISIS mercenaries.


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