Suicide Attacker Arrested Before Detonating Explosives In Charikar

MEP: The National Directorate of Security (NDS) arrested a suicide bomber before reaching the target of a suicide attack in Charikar, the capital of Parwan province.

The suicide bomber was arrested from the center of the city of Charikar, a statement by NDS said on Tuesday.

The terrorist named Mohammad Khan, son of Omar Khan planned to carry out suicide attacks on the orders of Taliban commander Maulawi Manaf using a motorcycle in the city, the statement added.

According to another report, the General Directorate of National Security officials have discovered a terrorist hideout in the village of Kyshkatan of Kapisa province.

NDS says the hideout, includes three Kalashnikovs, eight grenade launchers, twelve thousand rounds of small arms and two pairs of military suits.

This comes as yesterday three teenagers who planned a suicide attack in Mehtar Lam city, the provincial capital of Laghman were arrested by national security officers.


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