Some Keep Quiet In The Face Of The Grave Crimes Palestinians Face: Zoabi

KABUL: (MEP) Israeli TV channel 10 for the first time aired Joint Arab List MK Haneen Zoabi’s speech at Kristallnacht gathering in the Netherlands.

Haneen Zoabi MK (AFP)KABUL: (MEP) Israeli TV channel 10 for the first time aired Joint Arab List MK Haneen Zoabi’s speech at Kristallnacht gathering in the Netherlands.

“I am honoured to speak on behalf of the victims of Kristallnacht, and on behalf of all victims of racism and oppression,” Zoabi says.

“I have the honor of speaking on behalf of all opposition and on behalf of all who remained silent in Israel, Germany, France and other European countries and I declare that I won’t to be silent any longer,” Zoabi adds, during the event in Amsterdam.

“During Kristallnacht, thousands of businesses and hundreds of synagogues were ruined and burned down by German brown shirts. Perhaps the majority of Germans did not approve, but they kept quiet,” she said, referring to the “Night of the Broken Glass,” a large-scale pogrom in 1938 against Austrian and German Jews, which many historians consider the opening shot in the Nazi-led campaign to exterminate the Jews of Europe.

Some 400 Jews were murdered and 30,000 others expelled, some to extermination camps, during the night between November 9-10. In the days following the pogrom, the murder of Jews continued and according to estimates, some 1,400 people were killed.

“When in Israel two churches and tens of mosques are burned; and hundreds of Israeli supporters of Beitar shout ‘death to the Arabs’ after each soccer match; when a family is burned to death; when a 15-year-old boy is burned to death, the majority keeps quiet, although they are perhaps shocked,” Zoabi continued.

She concluded her speech by calling on the Dutch not to remain quiet. “During the last Gaza war, Israel has killed 1,700 Palestinians, 500 of them children. But the killing hasn’t stopped. Each day Palestinians are killed… I call upon you not to be silent in the face of the grave crimes my people face.”


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