President Ghani Strongly Condemns Girl’s Stoning

11026809_467801756754979_1917269401343140166_nKABUL: (Middle East Press) President Mohammad Ashraf Ghani on Wednesday strongly condemned the stoning of a girl in western Ghor province called it un-Islamic and inhuman act, a statement by presidential palace said.

Ghani send a high-level team to thoroughly investigate the tragic incident from all angles and present its outcomes to the Presidential Palace, according to statement.

The girl named ‘Rokhshana, 19 was forced to marry against her will, was stoned to death by a number of Taliban on the charge of adultery with an unmarried man, a week ago in a village, 40 kilometers from Firozkoh, the provincial capital.

Representatives from the Ministry of Interior, National Directorate of Security, Attorney General Office, Independent Directorate of Local Governance and the Afghanistan Independent Human Rights Commission are part of the investigating delegation.

Meanwhile, Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Abdullah Abdullah also strongly denounced the act and called the incident intolerable.

“This incident shocked everyone and it is the responsibility of the government to investigate the incident,” Abdullah said in a gathering of civil society groups in Kabul.



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