Peace ‘Roadmap’ In Complex Path

018986789_30300KABUL: (MEP) The second round of quadrilateral peace process talks has been held in Kabul and decided to hold the third round of peace talks in Pakistan.

No important thing was moreover mentioned in this round of negotiations but emphasized on a number of past statements while negotiators were also promised that the talks be completed well.

A commitment was made to determine the roadmap peace in the second round of negotiations.

The purpose of the roadmap is to determine specific actions that provides favorable conditions for the start of peace talks between Taliban representatives and the officials of the Afghan government aimed at reducing violence and a sustainable peace in Afghanistan and the region.

In this regard, the coordination quadrilateral group calls on Taliban groups to enter the negotiations as soon as possible in order to resolve all political disputes in accordance with the will and aspirations of the people of Afghanistan and the requirement and support of four nations to secure lasting peace in Afghanistan.

Farooq Bashar, a political analyst told “Middle East Press Agency” that the basic problem is that the Taliban negotiating team for the government has not specified yet.

According to him, the non-recognition of the Taliban, will cause confusion for Kabul government and other members of negotiations that would first have to solve this problem.

Bashar added, no groups of Taliban have not come for talks with the government and without these groups, negotiations will not be concluded.

Meanwhile, Abdul Ghani Khosravi, a professor in Herat told Middle East Press that Taliban groups must first be assessed and the negotiating teams should also be determined.

Is Pakistan Seeking Peace?

When there is speak of ‘peace’ in Afghanistan, Pakistan has always been in the midst and the country’s role were chromatic and interesting but what is important is that the integrity has not been seen by Pakistan so far.

However, does Pakistan actually seek peace in Afghanistan?

In response to this question, Khosravi said Pakistan had originally sought its personal presence in Afghanistan and with the existence of European and American countries, has not been highlighted in the country.

He said Pakistan has always tried that the western countries view Afghanistan through the lens of Islamabad and knew that if those countries get access to Afghanistan, all Pakistani secrets will be revealed.

The professor believes that Islamabad has always awarded from western countries in Kabul issues and did not want to lose these privileges.

“Now that the western countries got access in Afghanistan, the privileges of Islamabad to be canceled or be much reduced and the western leaders learned that they should directly intervene in peace and stability in Afghanistan.” Khosravi noted.

In the meantime, Farooq Bashar political expert also believes that Pakistan and the United States have not yet reached an agreement on Afghan peace, as if realizing this, peace can be achieved quickly and easily in the country.

Chaudhry’s Speeches And The Role Of U.S

The interesting point after the second round of peace talks, Aizaz Ahmad Chaudhry, foreign affairs adviser to the prime minister of Pakistan in talks, called the United States a ‘destabilizing factor’ in the region; the country which has one of the Afghan peace mediators role in the quadrilateral talks.

Abdul Ghani Khosravi, professor at Herat University, believes that the discussion on the role of United States in the peace talks is important but would not cause the country’s reducing warranty in the talks.

According to him, if Kabul and Islamabad were holding the negotiations as bilateral talks, problems in implementing and enforcing of the talks would enter but now the two nations are strong in negotiations to play the role of mediator.

Khosravi said, this presence would be the ultimate guarantor of the agreement and everything would be done with their signatures and Pakistan cannot contrary to their obligations.

He expressed, these negotiations are an ‘end point’ to Pakistan and the world to recognize the country and on the other hand, Islamabad would not lose the chance either.

Meanwhile, Farooq Bashar believes that Pakistan is under pressure of United States and China and knows that it cannot create irregularities anymore; since the world knows that Pakistan has a key role in funding and arming terrorism in the region.

The Future Of Negotiations?

Herat professor believes that the negotiations can be effective only if be decided in a short period of time.

According to Khosravi, the longer the talks take, it is effects can be less in Afghanistan peace.

“The future of the talks is good and the parties involved in the negotiations, including Pakistan and United States should bring changes in their goals.” added Khosravi.

According to him, these two countries are more in search of their own purposes than the goals of Afghanistan and its people.

This comes as the third round of quadrilateral peace talks is due to take place on January 31 in Islamabad.


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