Pakistan Hangs Four Over Peshawar School Attack

KABUL: (Middle East Press) Pakistan hanged four militants involved in the massacre of 134 schoolchildren in Peshawar last year, Reuters said.

b822a572-8eb4-4ec4-aba6-e6d89196f771KABUL: (Middle East Press) Pakistan hanged four militants involved in the massacre of 134 schoolchildren in Peshawar last year, Reuters said.

The execution were the first execution of civilians convicted by Pakistan’s military courts.

The men were hanged in a prison in the city of Kohat early on Wednesday for their involvement in the attack on the Army Public school in Peshawar, in which a team of nine suicide fighters used assault weapons and suicide bombs to kill 151 pupils and staff.

One of those killed was Maulvi Abdus Salam, whose house the gunmen stayed in before the attack was launched. The other three – Hazrat Ali, Mujeeb ur Rehman and Sabeel, also known as “Yahya” – were said to have facilitated the attack.


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