NATO chief Arrived in Afghanistan
NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg arrives in Afghanistan in an unannounced visit on Tuesday to meet with the Afghan leaders, coalition officials, and coalition forces.
“The NATO Secretary General, Mr. Jens Stoltenberg, is currently visiting the lslamic Republic of Afghanistan, accompanied by the Chairman of the Military Committee, Air Marshal Sir Stuart Peach, and the Supreme Allied Commander Europe, Genera! Curtis Scaparrotti,” NATO said in a statement.
The statement further added that “During his visit, the Secretary General will meet with President Ashraf Ghani; Chief Executive Abdullah Abdullah, and other Afghan ministers, senior officials, Resolute Support Commander, General Austin Scott Miller, NATO’s Senior Civilian Representative in Afghanistan, troops contributing to the NATO-led Resolute Support Mission and representatives of Afghan civil society.”
NATO chief said their efforts involved initiatives that they do not by participating directly in peace talks, that’s not NATO’s role, but we support them politically,
NATO’s Allies provide support, but our most important contribution to the peace process is to send a clear message to the Taliban and to other insurgents that they cannot win in the battlefield so we have to train, assist and advise the Afghan forces in a way that enables them to make it clear to the Taliban that they will not win on the battlefield, they have to sit down at the negotiating table.