Massive ISIS Truck Bomb Kills 76 in Baghdad

mideast-iraqKABUL: (Middle East Press) At least 76 people were and more than 200 others injured in a truck bomb blast claimed by ISIS terrorist group in Baghdad’s Sadr City district of the Iraqi capital, police and medical sources said.

“A refrigerator truck packed with explosives detonated inside Jamila market on Thursday at around 6 a.m.” police officer Muhsin al-Saedi said. “Many people were killed and body parts were thrown on top of nearby buildings.”

A statement circulated online by supporters of ISIS said the blast had targeted a stronghold of the Shi’ite Muslim militias.

The market in the Shiite neighborhood is one of the biggest in Baghdad selling wholesale food items.

Rescuers pulling bodies from the rubble stumbled over sheet metal that had formed the walls and roofs of vendors’ stands.

People gathering at the scene cried and shouted the names of missing relatives; others cursed the government.

Security forces and militia groups are fighting ISIS in Anbar province, the sprawling Sunni heartland in western Iraq.

Islamic State militants, who have controlled almost one-third of Iraq since June 2014, have repeatedly performed similar attacks in Shia-dominated neighborhoods. The ISIS jihadists now control two Iraqi provincial capitals, as well as the city of Fallujah.


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