Knesset Is Trying To Pass A Law To Shut Down Mosques In Occupied Palestine

1371033_755KABUL: (MEP) Israeli Knesset is studying a law by which all mosques will be closed and Muslims living in occupied Palestine will be denied the right to have a mosque.

According to the “Tel Aviv Times” news site, this bill is provided by “Bezalel Smotrich”, a Jewish Home party member, and signed by a group of “Likud”, ” Yisrael Beitenu ” and “Kulanu” members, and if approved by the government, it will allow them to shut down mosques in the occupied territories and totally deny Muslims the right to have mosques.

In a recent speech Smotrich said: We will not allow mosques to be used as a fertile ground to promote the fight against Israel and the time has come to close mosques in Israel”.

He also said we should destroy the roots of jihadist movements and not struggle with their actions. Arabic disturbances have now created an opportunity so that we can fulfill our demands.


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