Kabul To Host 2nd Round Of Four-Nation Talks Tomorrow

KABUL: (MEP) The second round of four-nation talks of peace with Taliban is due in Kabul tomorrow.

Peace process talksKABUL: (MEP) The second round of four-nation talks of peace with Taliban is due in Kabul tomorrow.

Besides Afghanistan, representatives from Pakistan, the United States and China are participating the meeting who would finalize the roadmap designed to start peace talks with the militant group that has been fighting with Afghan government for over 14 years.

Ministry of Foreign Affairs says the roadmap has been Okayed by all stakeholders who are putting in efforts to end the bloody war.

It has three steps, pre-negotiations, direct talks and implementation.

The first four-nation conference was hosted by Islamabad on January 11 in which discussions were made to proceed with plans on the reconciliation process.

Following the meeting Afghanistan’s Deputy Foreign Minister Hekmat Khalil Karzai who represented his country in the conference said that the nation should witness a change in two months.

He did not elaborate about the type of change in the press conference he gave after his visit.

However, he said that Taliban have tendency towards the peace process and hoped that the tendency turn into a serious action.


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