Israelis’ Distrust In Netanyahu’s Economic Policies

KABUL: (MEP) According to the humanitarian aid organization namely Latet, 81 percent of citizens believe that current government’s economic policies has increased needy and poor section in Israeli society.

452525192.0.0KABUL: (MEP) According to the humanitarian aid organization namely Latet, 81 percent of citizens believe that current government’s economic policies has increased needy and poor section in Israeli society.

Humanitarian aid organization Latet on the eve of the International Day against Poverty said that only 17 percent of people believe that the Israeli Government will be managed to curb social gap between rich and poor in the occupied land.

The rest of people believe that the failure of the government is mainly due to disorganization, corruption and political conflicts as per the report. The report also said that 41 percent believe that only charity organization and some people in their individual capacities are involved in fight against poverty.

The head of aid organization Latet based on the poll said, “It is time to name a day as a National Day to fight against poverty in Occupied Palestine. It may force the officials to put social security and economic problems on top of their priorities.”

According to the poll, 81% of respondents believe that the gap between rich and poor resulted from Netanyahu’s right-wing government’s policies in the last 10 years.


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