ISIS Receives Sarin Gas Materials Via Turkey: Turkish PM  

KABUL: (MEP) Turkish MP Eren Erdem has told RT that Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) terrorist group acquired all the necessary materials to produce deadly sarin gas via Turkey.

1450121333925165KABUL: (MEP) Turkish MP Eren Erdem has told RT that Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) terrorist group acquired all the necessary materials to produce deadly sarin gas via Turkey.

Citing evidence from a suddenly-closed criminal case, the main opposition Republican People’s Party (CHP) member Erdem said Monday that Ankara had failed to investigate the supply routes used to provide ISIS with the ingredients of the toxic gas.

“There is data in this indictment. Chemical weapon materials are being brought to Turkey and being put together in Syria in camps of ISIS which was known as Iraqi Al Qaeda during that time,” Erdem told RT.

On August 21, 2013, a chemical weapon was used in the Ghouta area of Damascus suburbs. Hundreds of people died in the attack. According to reports, the rockets used in the attack were handmade and contained sarin.

Addressing parliamentarians on Thursday, Erdem showed a copy of the criminal case number 2013/120 that was opened by the General Prosecutor’s Office in the city of Adana in southern Turkey.

During the case proceedings it was uncovered that several Turkish nationals were taking part in negotiations with the terrorists over the supply of sarin gas.

Based on evidence, Adana police carried out several raids and apprehended 13 suspects. But after a week, the case was closed and all suspects were freed and crossed over the border into Syria.

“These are all detected. There are phone recordings of this shipment like ‘don’t worry about the border, we’ll take care of it’ and we also see the bureaucracy is being used,” continued Erdem.



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