ISIS Prepares Teens To Attack Indian PM Modi

pmKABUL: (MEP) Indian Intelligence agencies have warned that militant group Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) is planning to may be attack the country’s Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Republic Day by preparing child crews between 12 and 15 to carry out the attack.

According to Times of India, militant groups are providing weapons and explosives training to boys to target the Prime Minister. The alert was issued on Friday and circulated among SPG, police and intelligence units in NCR.

Following this alert, the Special Protection Group (SPG), responsible for PM’s security, has deployed additional security forces around Modi and urged him not to breach the security cordon.

Last year on Independence Day, PM Modi had got down from his car and broke away from his security cover to meet a group of school children, who had assembled at the Red Fort. This year, the ISIS might try to carry out an attack on PM taking advantage of child suicide squad, dressed in school uniforms.

Islamic State recently released a video that showed teens being trained to use machine guns and rocket launchers, which are mostly used to carry out deadly attacks. 



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