Iraqi Embassy In Kabul Issued 12 Thousand Visas For Arbaeen

MEP: Iraqi Embassy in Kabul says that within only 10 days, more than 12 thousand visas for pilgrims of Imam Hussein (AS) has been issued that the process has been unprecedented throughout the year.

A reliable source of Iraqi Embassy in Kabul told the Middle East Press, the visa process is for the whole year, but with close to Arbaeen, this process intensifies.

He said that in the last ten days more than 12 thousand visas for the pilgrims of Imam Hussein (AS) issued that most of them left for Iraq through touring companies.

The source added that among the number of visas, women and children are also included.

The source claims: “This process represents a longstanding relationship of depth and historical between the two nations.”

Iraqi Embassy in Kabul is trying to process the visa issuance and pilgrims visit in holy places in all during the year for successive to be “esophagus into force”.

This comes as more than one and a half million pilgrims have reached to Karbala, the holy city of Iraq toward the shrine of the Third Shia Imam, Imam Hossein (PBUH), to mark the 40th day (also known as Arbaeen) to follow the anniversary of his martyrdom back in the seventh century and the transition to a gathering and the glory of the entire world continues.


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