In east of Afghanistan a key ISIS leader joins peace process

Middle East Press: A key leader of ISIS terror group in Afghanistan joined peace process in Nangarhar province.

The provincial government in a statement said the ISIS group leader identified as Wafadar was in charge of a group of at least 15 insurgents.

The statement further added that Wafadar was previously involved in terrorist related activities in Chaparhar, Haska Mina, and Kot districts.

Wafadar joined peace process after reaching to a conclusion and understanding the realities on the ground due to the efforts of the Afghan intelligence operatives, the statement said, adding that he has also handed over a pistol, a communications device, and two hand grenades to the government authorities.

The former ISIS leader has admitted that was involved in destructive activities with the Taliban group before and pledged allegiance t ISIS when the group established their presence in Afghanistan, committing horrible crimes and atrocities in the country.

He also admitted that the citizens of the neighboring countries are also present in the country operating under the flag of ISIS and are receiving command from the neighboring countries.

According to Wafadar, the ISIS militants are forcefully grabbing the harvest, livestock, and other properties of the local residents under their control for their living besides they are killing the citizens, a move which he says forced him to leave and join peace process.


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