Germany Seeks to Deploy 130 Troops in Afghanistan

KABUL: (Middle East Press) The German government is seeking to increase and grow the number of its military army by 130 in a week in Afghanistan, according to German media reports late Wednesday.

360_germany_afghan_0407KABUL: (Middle East Press) The German government is seeking to increase and grow the number of its military army by 130 in a week in Afghanistan, according to German media reports late Wednesday.

Currently around 850 German troops are remaining in Afghanistan down from a peak 5,350 when international combat mission was running.

However, as security condition in Afghanistan is worsening and with Germany suffering a large influx of migrants from the country.

Germany was originally planning to withdraw from its base in northern Mazar-e-Sharif during the course of 2016 but reports in October said that its government wanted to extend its deployment in Afghanistan for one year initially.

German Press Agency DPA said the greater commitment would not represent a return to combat operations.

The international combat mission which comprised 130,000 troops once in Afghanistan ended last year.

Around 13,000 foreign troops are remaining in the country, 9,800 of it coming from U.S.


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