Flash Flood Claims 58 Lives in Iraq

KABUL: (Middle East Press) At least 58 people have lost their lives following flash flood in over the past few days, the country’s health ministry said Saturday.

The Iraqi Health Ministry said that most of the victims died due to electrocution caused by flood-related incidents.

Iraq was hit by days of heavy torrential rain that caused major flooding in the capital, Baghdad, and other areas.

The heavy rain prompted Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi to declare an emergency situation in affected areas overwhelmed by “torrential rainwater that exceeded drainage capacity” and mobilize all government forces to take care of the situation.

The rain, which started last week and still continues with scattered showers, also caused heavy property damage to private and public buildings.

Many streets, houses and shops are flooded with a combination of rainwater and sewage.

Local media reported that the old drainage systems had failed to siphon the heavy downpour into the sewerage.

The flooding also damaged camps for internally displaced people who have fled from areas under the control of the Takfiri Daesh terrorists.

Iraqis have held demonstrations over the past few months, blaming the government for what they called providing inadequate basic services.

The protesters have been discontent with power outages, specifically during summer. The old water drainage systems are also a point of public resentment.

The Abadi administration has launched a reform plan to improve poor services.



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